Friday, January 13, 2012

Are Alkaline Water Drops a Ripoff?

!9#: Are Alkaline Water Drops a Ripoff?

Have you been looking into purchasing alkaline water drops as a temporary replacement for a water ionizer? There are a number of stores online that offer a bottle of these for around -30, which seems like it might possibly be a good deal. So this raises two questions in our mind. First, do alkaline water drops provide any of the health benefits of a water ionizer? And second, are they priced fairly? We'll answer these two questions in this article.

Do Alkaline Water Drops Provide Any of The Health Benefits of a Water Ionizer?
What you have to consider about alkaline water drops is that they don't have any of the water filtering benefits that a water ionizer provides. So whatever water you're adding the drops to is still going to have all the nasty stuff that it started with, only with a changed alkalinity.

Thus, it's very important if you are going to use these drops that you have a pure water source. We recommend running all your water through at the very least a carbon filter if you suspect that there may be chlorine or any of the other chemicals commonly added to water by your local water authority. Top of the line water ionizers come with both carbon filters as well as specialized media filters which will remove fluoride and other heavy metals. When water comes through a high end water ionizer, you can be much more confident that you're drinking something of quality. Simply adding two alkaline drops to your water provides no such benefit.

You can always bottle the water that comes out of the ionizer if you're going to be out of the house all day, and if you're going on vacation I'd recommend bringing your ionizer along with you and hooking it up at the hotel or wherever you'll be staying. You never know what kind of water sources you're going to be drinking from when you're away from home, and that's really the time when you want a water ionizer the most. The last thing you want to be concerned about while on vacation is the quality of your water.

Are They Priced Fairly?
Most alkaline water drops on the market are extremely overpriced, considering the ingredients involved. We don't recommend mixing a batch yourself without consulting a professional, however by doing so you would be saving a good deal of money. But as we suggested before, a better solution would be purchasing a water ionizer. Without an ionizer, you get none of the water purification benefits, all you get is the alkalinity. And while we firmly believe in the benefits of alkaline water (obviously) we also firmly believe that there are too many contaminants in everyday water to not be running it through a high-powered filter before consumption.

Are Alkaline Water Drops a Ripoff?

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cathie, at , is demonstrating a simulation of how ionized water will change as it goes into the stomach and the rest of the GI tract. She pours ionized water at all four levels of alkaline ionized water from her Athena water ionizer. Then she tests the pH of each level, adds 3 drops of apple cider vinegar [simulating HCL, hydrochloric acid, in the stomach], waits about a minute and then re-tests the pH and ORP of the ionized water. There are many "waiting periods" while she waits for the meter to settle down, and during those times she shares much insight into the digestive system and how alkaline ionized water helps your body and digestion at each step of the way. She also gives informative descriptions of each organ in the GI Tract and how alkaline ionized water can assist those organs to maintain their healthy pH levels, speed up digestion, and improve bowel function. All videos, along with an in-depth [but reader-friendly] article all about water ionizers, pH and the GI tract can be found in Cathie's blog, at this link, You can always call at 1-888-692-5525 if you have any questions you need answered about water ionizers. This is Part 1 of three videos.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Acid Attack - Are Your Teeth In Danger?

!9#: Acid Attack - Are Your Teeth In Danger?

Your teeth may be at risk. Did you know that consuming acidic foods and drinks can lead to acid erosion of your teeth? Once softened by acid exposure, your tooth enamel becomes weakened and can be more easily worn away, even by just brushing your teeth! If you tend to grind your teeth at night, you can quickly do some serious damage.

Often the first sign of this problem is increased sensitivity to cold air or liquids. Bouts of acid exposure will open up the pores on your teeth, and any areas of dentin exposure, such as root surfaces, can become very sensitive.

Teeth softened by acid are much more vulnerable to decay. That can mean a lot of extensive dental treatment.

Serious damage from acid doesn't happen with a single exposure, and your teeth have some capacity to recover (re-mineralize). However, many repeated exposures can lead to severe, irreversible destruction of your teeth.

This is HUGE problem. I'm very alarmed by how much acid erosion and the resulting tooth sensitivity I'm seeing.

And most people have absolutely NO IDEA that it's happening to them.
This is a Real Threat...

In the past few years, I have seen more and more patients who are presenting with this problem. One patient in particular, she was a new patient to my practice. Her teeth were worn right down to their gum line! Ouch! I also noticed that many younger adults who consume large quantities of cola drinks and their teeth were being decimated by tooth decay (more on that issue later).

This problem of acid erosion isn't just age specific. I see a LOT of it in all ages, and it seems to be getting worse every year. Sure, people are living longer and keeping their natural teeth. Yet, that still doesn't explain all the damage I'm seeing.
Beware the acid bombs!

A key factor in this "epidemic" of acid damage is our modern diet. Many of the foods and drinks that we consume contain highly elevated levels of acid.
Acids commonly added to our food include citric acid, acetic acid (vinegar), and phosphoric acid - all of which can significantly harm your enamel. So make sure you read the ingredients label.

Why are these acids being added?
In most cases, to assist in preservation. It's widespread within the food industry.
Benzoic acid and its salt forms (sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, etc.) are amongst the most widely used food preservative in the world. It's cheap and very effective. Prolonged shelf life translates into higher profits. In the food industry, it is used in wide range of items from jams, juices and salad dressings to ice cream, soft drinks and candies. It's also used in toothpaste, mouthwash, and as a rust inhibitor in anti-freeze.

Being weakly acidic, benzoic acid won't harm your enamel directly. This chemical's preservative effect is pH dependant - it works best in a low pH (acidic) environment. Other strong acids are being added to food and beverage products to establish a low enough pH for this preservative to work. Many food substances, such as soft drinks, ice cream, and candies, are being acidified (juiced up) this way. That's the big, hidden acid spike many of us are being hit with!

On a further note, benzoic acid can combine with ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
to form benzene - a known carcinogen. Vitamin C is often added to food or beverage products as an anti-oxidant. These two ingredients are still being used together in a wide range of beverages throughout the World (fortunately banned in North America). Another good reason to read those ingredient labels.
Watch out for the Double Dose!

A high sugar and strong acid combo make some of these food and beverages particularly devastating for your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth can aggressively metabolize any available sugar to produce lactic acid. That means your teeth will be exposed to even more acid. That's why a lot of children have re occurring decay. They constantly got hit with a double dose of acid from all the cola drinks they drink!

Diet drinks may be marginally easier on your teeth, but some sugar substitutes (aspartame) can add an extra punch to the acid attack on our bodies.

More than Just Our Teeth...
The harm from overexposure to acid only begins with our teeth. These synthetic "acid bombs" we're consuming can alter our internal chemistry and dramatically affect our overall health.

Our bodies will attempt to compensate for this excess dietary acid, but at a price. Our alkaline reserves are gradually being depleted, and as that happens, we start suffering from the many consequences of chronic acidosis.

The following are some of the dangerous effects of chronic acidosis...
* Minerals (mainly calcium) are leeched from our organs and bones to neutralize the excess acid. As calcium is leeched from our bones, we can eventually suffer from osteoporosis.
* Our kidneys are overburdened by the acid buildup and experience higher incidence of kidney stones.
* Digestion suffers because excess systemic acid can inhibit the production of stomach acid as well as the alkalizing salts from the gall bladder and pancreas. We're left with poorly digested, acidic food in our intestine that brings on cramping, bloating and risk of intestinal infections.
* Capillary blood flow slows down and the removal of acid waste on a cellular level is blocked, increasing the effects of cellular aging and raising the risk of cellular transmutation (cancer).
* Acid accumulation in the pancreas interferes with insulin production, leading to diabetes.
* Our energy levels drop off and we suffer from chronic fatigue.
* Fat accumulates around our vital organs (to protect them) and we put on extra weight.
Chronic acidosis has been cited as the hidden but deadly disease that's the primary cause of many of the serious ailments we suffer from. Dr. Leigh Connealy states "Acidosis literally destroys the body from the inside out, paving the way for disease to take over.

Watch Out for These Acidic Foods!
Soft drinks (including lemon iced-tea)
Sports drinks - Gatorade, Powerade, etc.
Energy Drinks - Red Bull, Full Throttle, etc.
Citrus Fruits - lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc.
Fruit salad
Fruit juices - lemonade, grapefruit, orange, apple, cranberry, etc.
Chewable Vitamin C (never suck on them)
Candies (particularly sour candies)
Vinegar-based products such as salad dressing and ketchup
White or red wine
The Bottom Line: Loss of enamel is progressive. If left to advance, your teeth may become severely compromised.

What You Can Do:

* Be alarmed. Take this seriously and don't let your teeth become casualties in the food wars. Pay attention to ingredients and start limiting your exposure to acidic food and beverages.
* Get real. Call junk food it what it is, not a "special treat" that you've earned. Avoid associating "comfort" with bad food choices. Try choosing healthy snack alternatives such as nuts and raw veggies
* Stop the pop! Find healthy alternatives, such as mineral water. If you do indulge, limit the frequency, time length, and concentration of acid exposure.
* Cut out the candy. Tame your sweet tooth before addiction consumes you. Sour candies, being dosed up with citric, malic, and/or tartaric acids, are extra nasty.
* Limit your exposure time. Eating or drinking something slowly throughout the day will do more harm than one big exposure.
* Water your juices down. Many juices have concentrated sugar and acid content, to the point that they cannot even quench your thirst. Consider adding at least half water (2/3 is my preference). Stay away from lemon iced-tea.
* Good Hygiene. Maintain brushing & flossing habits. Be sure to use fluoridated toothpaste to help strengthen your teeth. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after consuming acidic foods or drinks, as this is when enamel is at its softest and most likely to be damaged. Simply rinse with water instead.
* We can help. Stay healthy and keep your teeth for life by keeping up your hygiene visits. We'll keep tabs on acid damage. If the damage is already significant, we can help restore & protect the affected teeth with options such as bonding, porcelain veneers, or crowns.

Acid Attack - Are Your Teeth In Danger?

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Say Hello To Aloe

!9#: Say Hello To Aloe

As time is passing, the consciousness and the rate of awareness amongst the new generation is increasing day by day. People are becoming more cautious in taking care of their skin and body. Specifically, the younger generation is very much conscious about their appearance. They are trying their level best to keep their body fit and skin glowing.

The whole new generation doesn't rely on all the products available in the market. They are very conscious while selecting the products. The role models for the new generation are the people of olden times, when women and men were not too much conscious about their body and skin, but even then they looked stunning. There were many reasons behind their revealing beauty. Using natural herbs and their extracts is one of the reasons.

In this modernize world, the effect of pollution is increasing, due to industries and vehicles. Besides dull skin, black heads, pimples and many other skin related problems, pollution has also brought many dangerous diseases like skin cancer etc. This is one of the reasons that people are genuinely using products, to secure their skin and body.

As the awareness level is increasing, people are going towards only those products, which are reliable and made up of natural botanical herbs and fruit/vegetable extracts.
Natural herbs and fruit extracts serves as a beauty treatment for most of the younger generation. They know that the olden era has left many beautification things for them.

Out of many herbs and botanical plants, we will talk about the benefits of Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is the perfect cure for all types of skin diseases and an ideal pack for curing all the skin related problems.

Aloes have been used worldwide for more than 3,500 years. They are desert lilies and there are more than 200 varieties. With a high water content of nearly 96%, the Aloe Vera plant has been hailed as a medicinal plant with many a beneficial property.

Aloe Vera is green in color, and it has needle on both the sides. When you peel of Aloe Vera, you will get a natural fragrance free gel. It contains almost 20 amino acids, vital minerals like calcium, magnesium and sodium in sufficient quantities, enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, nitrogen and other components which make it a miracle substance.

In Pakistan, you can easily get this plant in any nursery. If you want, you can grow, by taking just one Aloe Vera with roots, and putting it in a pot having soil.

The health benefits of Aloe Vera have been propagated throughout the world specially the people of India and Pakistan is relying and using Aloe Vera from decades. Nowadays, even the skin, body and hair products are made up of Aloe Vera, which are available in the form of gel, spray, lotion, cream and in the form of a capsule too.
Some manufacturers add a few drops of Aloe Vera gel and claim to make Aloe Vera products. Most Aloe Vera products contain stabilizers and preservatives that might take away some of the benefits of Aloe. Unless Aloe Vera gel is added in significant amounts, it would not have much beneficial effect. I would like to recommend all the readers to use Aloe naturally, rather than in the form of products.

These natural products are very useful for reducing pimples, rashes, dead skin layer and for curing skin eruptions and allergies.

The gel of Aloe Vera has as many as 75 nutrients, which promise good health, has also turned out to be a very popular remedy for burns and wound. In fact, minor cuts, bruises and scrapes heal quickly on application of the gel. Nowadays, doctors are also using Aloe Vera after the surgical procedures, as they believe that Aloe will heal skin quickly.

Itching is a common problem in Pakistan due to heavy load of work and high level of precipitation. Aloe gel is best to treat itching perfectly. Just apply a coin size gel and leave it for 5 minutes. The problem will be vanished totally.

Apart from providing relief from itching, it helps to heal the blisters and sores. For people suffering from Psoriasis, Aloe Vera has provided relief by reducing the pain and itching of Psoriasis. All the sport freaky men and women should use Aloe gel as it has been proved that the gel causes considerable improvement in the nature of the lesions and blisters.

Hair styling gel, mousse and sprays are very common for all of us, but have you ever wonder to find a free hair setting product?

You will get amaze to know, that the gel of Aloe Vera can be used as a hair styling product without any side affects. It will not only set your hair perfectly, but it will also make your hair lustrous and healthy.
People with a common problem of baldness should apply natural Aloe gel over the affected areas regularly for about 6 months to find positive result.

Although the benefits of Aloe Vera are very useful for skin disorders, the juice is used in cases of people suffering from heartburn, ulcers and other digestive disorders. People suffering from indigestion or the irritable bowel syndrome have claimed that the juice of Aloe Vera does provide comfort. It is sometimes used as a laxative. Aloe Vera juice contains some anti-inflammatory fatty acids that alkalize digestive juices and prevent over acidity. This juice acts as an anti inflammatory agent and in some cases is known to reduce the amount of stomach juices that are secreted. So next time, if you feel heart burn late night, don't rush to the hospital; just pull out one Aloe from your pot, and drink 2 table spoon of its juice.

People in Pakistan are also using Aloe Vera for making savory halwa, which is beneficent for the people, having Osteoporosis.

The benefits of Aloe Vera extend even to stimulating production of collagen. Our skin is made up of collagen, and we loose one collagen every year, which reduces skin elasticity. To prevent aging of the skin, use Aloe gel every night before going to bed.

As a moisturizer, Aloe Vera is very popular as it removes dead cells and also aids in the penetration of healthy substances. It reduces the intensity of pigmentation and lightens dark spots on the face.
If you have pimples, then you should apply Aloe gel to the affected area regularly.

Muscle pain and pain in the joints occurring because of arthritis can be alleviated by the application of Aloe Vera gels or sprays. You can take out the gel and massage it over the affected body area.

Aloe gel is also considered to be an effective remedy to decrease the total cholesterol, triglycerides and blood fat lipid levels. Eating Aloe gel one tablespoon daily reduces coronary heart disease. The extract of aloe Vera is known to steady even blood sugar levels too.

If you are not applying sun screen of SPF 15, before going out, then take Aloe gel and apply a light thin layer of gel over your skin before going out.

It helps soothing skin injured by burns, irritations, cuts and insect bites. It may help speed the healing of skin wounds, burns and other injuries. It may help with constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal problems, when taking internally. Aloe relieve itching and swelling of irritated skin. It may help kill fungus and bacteria.

You can then break off a part of the leaf and use the fresh gel to apply on any burn or other wound. . When the Aloe Vera leaf is broken, it oozes a thick sap that drips from the open end. This bitter sap is used to accelerate wound healing and reduce inflammation, but you should not eat that thick sap without medical advice.

Aloe Vera gel is also used to shrink warts and lessen the painful effects of shingles.
Gel from the Aloe Vera leaf has also shown good results in treating facial edema. When used a mouth rinse, Aloe Vera offers benefits for treating lockjaw and cold spores.
Aloe Vera juice has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel. Medical Science is also claiming that Aloe Vera helps in improving immune system of our body and in the future ahead, HIV positive would might be cured in the initial stage through Aloe.
Aloe can also inhibit the autoimmune reaction associated with certain forms of arthritis, in which the body attacks its own tissues.


Shahbegum, 40 years old, who is a housewife, used Aloe Vera for about 1 year continuously. She massaged her skin regularly with Aloe Natural gel and now she has reduced free lines and looks 5 year younger.

Moosa Sewani, who is my dad, ate Aloe Vera halwa for about 6 months and his problem of leg is over now.

Aloe reduced the blood sugar levels in diabetics, as reported in Hormone Research. Five patients with adult (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes were given 1/2 teaspoon of aloe extract daily for up to 14 weeks. Blood sugar levels were reduced in all patients by an average of 45%, with no change in their total weight.

Aloe may help prolong survival time and stimulate the immune system of cancer patients, according to recent research. In Japan, mice with cancerous tumors were given aloe orally for 14 days. While the aloe did not suppress tumor growth, the average life span of the mice was prolonged by 22% for those given 50mg aloe/kg body weight and by 32% for those given 100mg/kg daily. A simultaneous experiment on human cancer cells (outside the body) found that high doses of aloe significantly suppressed the growth of these cancer cells.

Aloe's protective effect was confirmed in a study of 673 lung cancer patients in Okinawa, Japan. This survey looked at the connection between smoking, comparative amounts of 17 plant foods in the diet, and the occurrence of lung cancer over a five-year period.


If you have any kind of severe medical problems, then use Aloe after consulting doctor. Aloe Vera can trigger uterine contractions and must not be taken by pregnant women. Children should not be given Aloe Vera internally too. If you are on drugs that cause potassium loss or diuretics or steroids, it may not be advisable to take Aloe Vera orally. High doses of Aloe Vera juice can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and electrolyte imbalance.

Say Hello To Aloe

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

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